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Got 1 Hour? How to Find Time to Work on your Online Business

Got 1 Hour? How to Find Time to Work on Your Online Business

How often have you wondered how to find the time to work on your online business?  Maybe it’s not about finding more time.  We have the same amount as the successful people in the world. Maybe managing the time we do have and making it work more effectively for us is what we should really be concentrating on.

Even if you’re convinced you can’t squeeze out another minute to take on anything else, you might be wasting a lot more time during the day than you think. Like most people, you actually can start your own online business whether you’re working a full-time job or not.

Don’t talk yourself out of it!

The problem a lot of people run into when they start considering entrepreneurship and how to find time to work on your online business is having a mental picture of it being an all-or-nothing venture, that if you’re going to go into business for yourself, you have to quit your regular job so that you can put all your time into building your online business.

But here’s some good advice:  If your present job is paying your bills and providing you with health benefits, don’t just quit!  Keep your job and work part-time on launching and building your business.

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Find time to work on your online business without quitting your day job. There are lots of things you can do.

4 things you can do right now

1. You can get up one hour earlier in the morning to work on your business.

2. You can use your lunch hour to work on your business. Since your business is online, you can access it anywhere. If you commute to work by train, bus, or car-pool where someone else is in doing the driving, you can work while on the way, too. These are some really easy things you can do to find time to work on your online business.

3. You can also take a break from all the hours you usually spend sitting in front of the television.

4. You can give up one hour of sleep at night to work on the business and work two weekends a month.

It might seem like a major sacrifice of time, but if you work it around the job you presently hold and stick to it, your online business income will steadily increase to the point where you can comfortably afford to walk away from the job you now have.

Unexpected events

But what if something unexpected happens?  What if you run into a situation where you can no

Image by Steve Buissinne

longer wait to leave your regular job?  Maybe something has made it unbearable and it’s stressing you out completely, or a sudden company downsize eliminates your job, or the business goes broke and closes down.  Those things happen every day.

At that point, you suddenly have all those hours you were putting in at work freed up.  That could amount to forty or more hours you spent weekly at the office that is now available to work on your online business. That’s a sure way to find time to work on your online business!

Get at it!

If such a thing happens, get right to it.  Don’t take what you might feel is a well-earned break to unwind. If you wait to start working on your online business till you finally feel like it, you might never feel like it. Work with the stress and turn it into the excitement that will drive you and move you forward to success.

When you have the benefit of being able to work on your online business full-time, you can give your business all the attention it needs for steady, profitable growth. You no longer need to figure out how to fit it into your busy schedule and you’ll have the time you need.

Again, it’s not so much about how to find the time to work on your online business as it is making the time. If being self-employed with your own online business is something you’ve always wanted to do, there’s no better time to start than right now. Today will soon be but a memory and you’ll never get it back to do it over!

Building an Online Business?

If you’re already building your own online business, please tell us about it in the comment section! People love to read about the successes of others. Be sure to leave us your link!

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