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4 Kinds of Online Businesses You Can Launch Right Now

4 Kinds of Online Businesses You Can Launch Right Now

Let’s look at the kinds of online businesses you can launch right now.  Yes, you can!

Starting an online business is one of the most exciting experiences of your life. It can also be the most confusing if you overthink it, but it’s not difficult. The fantastic thing about online business is that you can fairly easily run more than one at a time. As the old axiom says, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

Doing it this way means your online income isn’t all coming from just one source. That is an extra safety net to keep an steady income coming in, even if something weird happens (like the way Parler got their platform pulled right out from under their billion-dollar business).  An easy way to diversify that source is to start selling info products. You can create an information product in as little as a day, depending on what the product is.

Here are 4 kinds of online businesses you can launch right now.

1. One of the easiest online businesses you can start from scratch with your own product is the humble info product.  The best info products to sell are your own eBooks. Find a topic people are searching for information about and write an eBook on it. The topic can be one you’re very knowledgeable about or one that you become knowledgeable about by researching the information you need to know to write a knowledgeable eBook. You can also create online seminars, courses, or workshops sharing your expertise.

2.  A real favorite among online businesses for many that lets you jump right into business in a matter of minutes it to promote products as an affiliate. You look for a product you believe is a good one and will sell well, and you start promoting it for a commission. That simply means raising awareness about a product by driving traffic to it via things like blogging and social media.

You can promote products without spending any money on advertising and most people find this type of an online business one of the easiest to break into. You can promote products by writing articles about it and submitting them to article directories, or you can blog about it, make YouTube videos, promote it on your own website, or on any of the social sites out such as Twitter or Facebook, or the new and popular MeWe and Gab.

3. Many modern online entrepreneurs start out by creating membership sites. This is actually really easy to do with drop in systems membership platforms included with very inexpensive hosting programs.  A membership site makes it possible for you to get paid to pass your knowledge onto others. Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re an expert on how to build beautiful WordPress websites. You set up a site where people can log in and get access to answers to all their questions, plus they can participate in a forum there to get input from other members, and so on.

Once you learn how to set up and profit from your own membership site, you can even write an eBook or develop an online course to teach others how to do it!

4. Another excellent choice among online businesses is freelancing. Freelancing just means that you are your own boss – you can take on the gigs you want and turn down the ones that you don’t want.

There are so many ways you can get started with your one online service business. You can translate, do voiceovers, do graphic design work, build websites, proof-read and edit what other people wrote, or write fresh articles from scratch for other people.

The fantastic things about all of these online businesses is that your start-up costs are less than a happy meal! All you need to do to get started is to set up a website and if you’re selling your own products, set up a way to accept payment, such as Paypal, which is super easy to set up.

After you’ve been running your freelance business for a while, you will begin to develop your brand and build your reputation.  Eventually, you’ll be able to take your pick of the kind of jobs you’d like to take on. A word to the wise – at least when you start out, sign up on one of the major freelancing platforms, such as Fiverr.  This will ensure that the people hiring you know up front exactly what you offer, plus you are certain to get paid, because they collect the full fee for your work up front.

Many choices

There are many, many choices for online businesses you can launch.  These are just four suggestions to help you get going.  Who knows?  Perhaps these ideas will help you think up new ones that may even be more successful than you ever thought possible!

Remember, everyone has skills, and often, more skills than they realize.  What are yours?

Please tell us about your business in the comments below!  Questions are welcome, too. Remember to leave us a link!

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